President and Vice Presidents
The President and Co-Vice Presidents monitor all aspects of the organization and ensure WIB is a welcoming space for women at Brown to gain exposure to business.
PVPS: Kiara Bose Roy (President), Sudy Quin (VP)
Not pictured: Kate Segel (VP)
Alumni Engagement aims to foster continued relationships with our Brown WIB graduates. In addition to coordinating and managing WIB's External Mentorship Program, the Alumni Engagement team also composes the quarterly Alumni Newsletter, curates WIB's LinkedIn page, and maintains our Alumni Database.
Members: Julia Isaacman (Chair), Mary Ryan, Isabela Segarra
Community Initiatives
The Community Initiatives team handles WIB’s philanthropic work, maintaining partnerships and planning service opportunities with community organizations in Providence.
Members: Stella Ribeiro (Chair), Ana Olinda Leonel Ferreira, Razanne Shoukfeh
Diversity & Inclusion
D&I serves to establish a safe and inclusive space within WIB for members of all backgrounds, as well as educating members of what DEI looks like in the professional sphere. The D&I team leads our implicit bias training, partners with other student affinity groups on campus, and hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Past events have showcased company diversity programs and provided platforms for diverse founders to share their stories.
Members: Aleena Ahmed (Chair), Ella Xue, Katrina Sun, Maria Muniz De Souza
WIB’s expenses, income, and reimbursements are managed by the Finance team. The committee raises funds for WIB through departmental, alumni, and local fundraising channels, as well as organizes and sets up WIB sponsorships.
Members: Jaclyn Christina (Chair), Sylvia Cheng, Leanna Le, Mar Falcon, Saloni Somia
Internal Mentorship
The Internal Mentorship team connects WIB underclassmen with WIB upperclassmen through an individualized mentorship program. Once these pairings are made, the committee also hosts monthly social and networking events to cultivate relationships between mentors and mentees. The program allows WIB members to navigate Brown and beyond by encouraging conversations about topics including concentrations, the Brown experience, and recruitment.
Members: Piper Wallace (Chair), Caroline Novatney, Ruby Rose Carlson
Membership Engagement
Membership Engagement monitors the membership status (GB and Associate statuses) of WIB members throughout the semester. The committee is also in charge of planning and hosting monthly socials to foster a rich and supportive WIB community.
Members: Tiffany Kuo (Chair), Ali Chen, Corinne Harrison
Marketing & Communications
The Marketing branch curates all graphic design materials for WIB’s social media accounts, bi-weekly newsletter. The Communications arm of this team manages WIB’s Google Calendar, updates our website, creates the WIB Recruiting Digest, manages our Business Banter blog publication, sends our newsletter on Wednesdays and Sundays, and photographs our WIB events.
Members: Elle Horst (Chair), Megan Chen (Chair), Ria Bhatnagar, Naisha Didwania, Hayaa Tabba, Ruchicka Buyan, Gabriella Montalvo
Off-Campus Business Education
The Off-Campus Business Education team organizes WIB’s annual Career Exploratory, Finance, and Consulting Trips to Boston and New York. The committee also connects Brown WIB members with business oriented women across the country by sponsoring opportunities for WIB members to attend conferences at other universities.
Members: Maggie Seidel (Chair), Larissa Flora, Maella Tagne, Mandy Zhang, Avni Rajpal, Tenzin Diki
On-Campus Business Education
Corporate on-campus events which educate our members and introduce them to companies in different sectors of business are organized by WIB’s On-Campus Business Education committee. Past networking, workshop and speaker events include collaborations with Google, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Spotify, and others. The On-Campus team also hosts our WIB Academy program, in which a small group of students engage in informal, weekly meetings to learn all the basics of the corporate world.
Members: Ananya Narayanan (Chair), Rebecca Weng (Chair), Sophie Jaeger, Mariam Hajjar, Isabella Zhang