Leadership Team Recruiting
Join the WIB Leadership Team to develop your professional skills, expand your network, and gain life-long friendships! Applications for the Leadership Team open every semester, and women of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Our application deadline for the spring semester has passed, but we will be recruiting again in the fall. Check out our Leadership Team page for more information on our committees and what we do.
Coffee Chats
Coffee Chats are one-time informational conversations with a WIB Leadership Team member who has academic, extracurricular, and professional experiences you are interested in.
Internal Mentorship Program
The Internal Mentorship Program is a semester-long program in which a WIB general body member or associate member is paired with an upperclassman at Brown, and the two meet regularly throughout the semester in addition to attending socials with all of the mentors and mentees in the program. Mentor-mentee pairs are established based on mutual interests and experiences, and topics to discuss include course selection, internships, resume writing, and recruiting. Applications to be a mentee are released at the beginning of each semester. Individuals interested in being a mentor can email womeninbusiness@brown.edu.
External Mentorship Program
The External Mentorship Program is a mentorship program in which a WIB general body member or associate member is paired with a Brown alumna that can speak to the industry she works in as well as life after Brown. Potential topics to discuss with and solicit advice on from a mentor include summer plans, career paths, and academics. About thirty WIB members are paired with a mentor each semester, and applications to be a mentee are released at the beginning of each semester. Most mentees tend to have one external mentor throughout their time at Brown.
Community Initiatives
WIB organizes one-time and on-going volunteering opportunities for members to engage with the local Providence community and beyond. Previous organizations we have partnered with include Books are Wings, Farm Fresh RI, and Providence Parks, and opportunities are featured in our newsletter.
Off-campus Trips
Career Exploratory Trip
Applications for the Career Exploratory Trip to Boston open every fall. The event is a unique opportunity to explore a variety of industries within the realm of business. Whether you’re interested in Tech, Fashion, Healthcare, Education, or anything in between, the Career Exploratory Trip is a phenomenal way to find your passion in the business world! Past trips have included visits to Google, Twitter, Wayfair, Education First, Liberty Mutual, and more.
Finance Trip
The annual New York Finance Trip helps WIB members get a head start on the recruiting process. Spend a day in the Big Apple while networking with alumni and learning about the finance industry. Previous Finance Trip partners include Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, and Bank of America.
Consulting Trip
WIB’s spring Consulting Trip is a day-long excursion to Boston. Selected attendees visit the offices of several consulting firms while gaining direct access to recruiters and Brown alumni at leading consulting companies. Past partners include Bain, Mckinsey, Delloite, EY-Parthenon, Altman Solon, Keystone Strategy and CMA Strategy Consulting.
Conference SponsorshipS
Undergraduate Stern Women in Business Conference
USWIB provides attendees with the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. Every year, Brown WIB covers the tickets and travel costs of up to 5 members interested in attending USWIB.
William and Mary Stock Pitch Conference
In the past, WIB has applied for sponsorship and sent a team of 4 women to William & Mary’s annual Stock Pitch Conference.